Bacteria: The Good, the Bad and the Remedy!
Do you commonly experience digestive problems? Yeast infections? Chronic fatigue? Allergies? IBS? Cravings? Then you might benefit from eating fermented vegetables! All of the above problems can be traced to imbalanced intestinal flora (a higher proportion of “bad bacteria” to “good bacteria”). Eating fermented vegetables daily (along with reducing refined foods as always!) is a natural, inexpensive and easy way to maintain a healthy bacterial balance. A healthy colon (large intestine) is...
Read MoreStrength Starts With the Feet
Stand Strong I’m always talking to my students about their feet; Are they walking and standing with their toes pointing forward, are they standing with even weight on both feet and most importantly, are they taking the time to spread their toes?!!! This is an easy exercise that can be done while you’re lounging around at home and even while you’re giving yourself a pretty pedi if you’re so inclined đ Give it a try: Use toe separators as TLC for your feet. Separators help re-align the...
Read MoreFood Films Worth Watching!
Have some extra time this holiday season? Why not kick back and relax with one of these 12 insightful movies? Not only will you get some much needed down time, but hopefuly you’ll learn something new in the process! Dirt (2009) Briefly focusing on the shortcomings and flaws in our agricultural methods, Dirt allows viewers to better understand how our food grows and the importance of healthy soil. All of our food (fruit, vegetables, meat, etc.) is completely dependent on the soil. Vegetation gathers...
Read MoreHealing Hamstring Injuries
3 Phases Of Healing Hamstring Injuries Rest during the inflammation phase (72 hours). Align during the repair phase (6 weeks). Strengthen and lengthen during the remodeling phase (up to a year or more). â˘Stage 1: Rest. For 72 hours after the initial injury, the student should rest the area completely. This gives the body time to remove damaged tissue and bring in cells that will produce new capillaries and collagen. The student should not attempt any stretching or strengthening activities and should not apply...
Read MoreNutrition for Optimum Fertility
Achieving optimum fertility is an ultimate goal for couples who want to conceive and give birth to healthy babies. When your body is capable enough to conceive, there are other inevitable factors in the immediate environment which can compromise your chances of conceiving and having healthy newborns. These factors can include things you are putting into your body like processed foods and alcohol as well as exterior environmental factors such as pollution, second hand smoke and pesticides. To help ensure you are...
Read MoreWhen It’s Important to Shop Organic….
When shopping for groceries these days, it can get a little overwhelming with all the different choices and especially the prices of organic produce these days! If you’re new to buying organic foods or you’re simply looking for a way to save a little money on your grocery bill while still eating “clean”, check out the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) list which has been updated to reflect 2011 farming practices. Every year the EWG puts out a list of the “Dirty...
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